Your air conditioner will kick into high gear when the weather outside heats up. Air duct cleaning is just one of the services to consider preserving the longevity of your entire HVAC system. Like your car, your home's cooling system will operate more effectively with the help of proper residential repair service in Miami . Changing filters regularly cannot clean your home's HVAC system from getting dusty from everyday use. If you want to know more about the signs that you need air duct cleaning services, then continue reading: Your ducts are infected with insects or rodents . Rodents that get into your ductwork build nests and leave behind excrement, which causes the microscopic fecal spores to proliferate throughout the ducts. If these spores enter your home, the air you breathe can contaminate them. Unfortunately, rodents enjoy living in ducts and either chew their way in or discover an unlocked door. When rodents get in, the ductwork in your home turns into their own li...